Puffer Fish


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
Okay sorry to start 2 threads in a row, but I just wanted to share my happy story lol.
I went to PetCo today to look around, and they had an actual BIG puffer fish. I thought it was fake at first.. I've never seen one before (other than the animal channel) Its by far one of the most adorable fish I've ever seen. I've seen the dwarves before, but not a full size one. I'm in love lol and just thought I'd share! Granted I could never bring him home.. but still he'll be someone fun to go visit. :):D


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
I'm not too sure, I'll go and find out tomorrow and let you know. I like visiting him. I swear he smiles at me and comes right to the glass when he see's me walk towards him. Or maybe thats just me hoping he does :p
Apparently he belonged to someone here and the owner died and the family didn't want to keep caring for the Puffer so they gave him to PetCo. They have these huge salt water display tanks and he lives in one now.


Large Fish
Jun 19, 2005
Pittsburgh, Pa
Yeah puffers are awesome, i want to get a fresh water one, some day.

On a side note: did you know that you have some fish in your 35gal tank that are gonna outgrow that thing? Common plecos can get to 24 feet long, and pitcus cats (which i love) can get to 10-12inches. Not criticizing just wanted to make sure that you knew =)


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Wile fishluvr is a bit off in the size of those fish he/she (sorry i don't remember) is correct in that the plec will outgrow your tank.

Pictus average size is 4.5 inches max. Wile this guy will fit, they are notoriously known for eating smaller inhabitants. So if you ever want tetras ect they may not last long with him in there. And I'm sure fishluvr meant 24 inches not feet. Commons do get large but 2 feet is pretty uncommon in the aquarium, 18 inches max is a more reasonable estimate.


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
Thanks for the tidbit FishLuvr, and also for the extra info Pure. I do know that plecos get huge, and pictus can bully a bit. Crackers seems to be doing fine with his tank mates, he spends most of his time swimming in the plants and hiding in the caves.
Scott my pleco has moved into a 55g and currently lives alone. :(
I was cycling a 200g for the longest time, nearly 2 months I think, and it started leaking. I took it back and got my money back. I was sad though and cried lol.

ya often people trade in their plecos ... thats how the stores get big ones. but they also take a very long time... it's fun to check out a particular fish ... the big als by me has a clown trigger it was f'ing hillarious he would go nuts whenever you went by! ...but now he's gone! He was there for months ... now he's gone! But had no interest in setting up a lg salt water.


Medium Fish
Feb 9, 2006
Anchorage Alaska
LoL Cindy.. they just kind of come to me. When we bought Scott I was looking at him and just decided thats who he is. Crackers got his name cause he is absolutely crackers. That catfish is just crazy.We used to think Gina our upside down cat was a boy for the longest time and his name was Gus.. then thru some searching he's a she and Gina is what the hubs picked out. I've changed the name of 1 ram, and named them both. The boy is Sam and the girl is Ella. Sam and Ella

Clever right :p