puffer help


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2006
Surrey, England
can some one help me im gettin mixed comments about the figure of eight puffer, i am just startin a tank. and as soon as i saw this puffer i loved it. it seems very interactice. but a lot of people are sayin a cant but it with other fish. some are saying i can. can i put some in a communial tank with other fish that have long fins like guppys. or is it best to keep them alone. please comment

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Superstar Fish
Nov 30, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Typically puffers should be kept in a 'species only' tank and some puffers can only be kept by themselves. In my experience Figure 8's are one of the least aggressive puffers, however, I still would not recommend them for a community setting. They are a brackish water fish and some people have kept them sucessfully with other brackish water fish such as mollies. I have my figure 8's with an Orange Chromide. Keeping F8's with long finned fish like guppies is not recommended.

Sep 12, 2006
Algonquin, IL
I used to feed my puffers feeder guppies. They would hunt them down and rip them to shreds. So, they do eat other fish, not just nip. But then again, I keep my puffers with rainbowfish and little gobies right now, and they don't even look at them as food. I've also kept them with fancy tail guppies and swordtails. None of them were eaten either, not even nipped. It just depends on what kind of fish you are putting in the tank. Be smart about it. Put yourself in the puffers shoes (or fins) and ask, "Would I eat that?" Keep a few ghost shrimp or snails in your tank at all times and the puffers should be able to eat those when they are hungry, rather than chasing down other fish. The best bet for community puffers are dwarf puffers, green spotted puffers, or figure-eight puffers. The younger they are the better. I also think another part of keeping puffers from nipping other fish is to keep the water at their preferences (GSPs and F8s like brackish, alkaline, warm water, not 100% sure about dwarfs.) Also having a tank with lots of stuff to explore for them is crutial, because they are very intelligent and once they get bored, they start looking at other fish as toys.


Large Fish
Sep 15, 2006
Surrey, England
ok thank you, i have also heard that if i buy them last then they will not have time to step up a territryok thank you, i have also heard that if i buy them last then they will not have time to step up a territory any truth in this. As it is my first tank any suggestions on want I should get?


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
The main problem is that figure 8 puffers are brackish fish (brackish is between freshwater and saltwater), so they won't do well in a freshwater tropical tank in the first place.

They really aren't fish that should be put in with other fish. If you decide you want one, you would need to keep it in its own tank.

There's a nice profile here: Brackish Water Puffers

You can also read up about brackish tanks in the brackish section of this site.

Cute as puffers are, they really do need a different kind of setup than other fish.


MFT Staff
Nov 19, 2004
Bangor, Maine
Welcome to MFT, jamesw!

Two years ago I was in the same position as you - I saw a Figure 8 puffer in a freshwater tank at Petco and bought it (against the salesperson's advice - she warned me that it was aggressive and if I purchased it with the intent of putting it into a community tank it would "void" my return policy). I did it anyway.

Then I joined MFT and learned that they are a brackish fish, yadda yadda yadda, and to make a long story short, I now have three of them in their own species only tank. Like Lotus said, read up in the brackish section or so a search on "F8 Puffers". There is a lot of info here about them so I won't bore you with my spiel.

As far as keeping them with other fish, I'll tell you my experience. Like I said, I started them out in a FW community tank. My one puffer at the time pretty much chewed and munched on it's tankmates fins until most of them looked like little bullets with no fins.

After I got my 55 gallon FW tank set up and moved everyone but the puffer into the new tank - I bought two more f8s and started making the tank brackish. At one point I put a molly in there as well, but the molly harassed the puffers so much I almost flushed him out of anger. He did more than bully them, he was almost like a parasite - slurping on their slime coat and attaching his mouth to the puffers anus 24/7.

I got a bumble-bee goby and it lasted about a week. The puffers ate it.

Some people have had luck keeping other fish with puffers and maybe it could work, I don't know, I haven't had luck with that. I keep my three puffers alone in a species only tank and I am content with that.

Here's a couple places to start your research:
Starting a Brackish Aquarium - An article by Cody Shoup

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