Pufferized filter?


Medium Fish
May 30, 2003
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I moved my dwarf puffers into a 10g last night because it was done cycling and they were doing fine and were all happy. But then I woke up this morning and went downstairs to do the rounds and found that two of my puffers had gotten caught in the intake grate of my filter and died... After seeing that I could hardly eat breakfast. :(

Is there a way to pufferize my filter? I have a AquaClear on that tank. I shut it off becuse I don't want anyone else getting stuck in there while I'm at work, but I can't keep it off indefinately. They were too big to actually get sucked up into the filter... They were sorta half in and half out of the intake tube's grill... Sorry, I don't want to be so descriptive but I though that might help in understanding what needs to be pufferized.

I can switch filters (i.e. take the whisper off the tank they were in before and out the aquaclear on that tank) but I'm reluctant to because I have really small neons in that tank now.

Any suggestions? Thanks


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
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I have a dwarf puffer in a 10g with some tetras. He has never had a problem with the filter though. Are you sure they did not die first, then get sucked onto the filter? That is what usually happens.


Medium Fish
May 30, 2003
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I would think that if it had happened to only one.... But they were all healthy before I made the switch and the water from that tank and the one they came from are both fine.... And also the fact that they didn't get sucked onto the intake- they got sucked in tail first up to their gills... I had to put on gloves to get them out because I couldn't get them to come loose with my net.


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2003
Ontario, Canada
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I can relate, that used to happen with my neons. A person at the lfs told me to tie part of a nylon around the grill part you are talking about. I never did that, I just got bigger fish, so not sure if anyone else agrees with that advice. Again, just what they told me to do at the Pet Store

tetra girl

Large Fish
Apr 30, 2003
New Zealand
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a sponge over the filter works wonders for stopping fish getting sucked in to the filter and it also stops food from getting in the filter are harbouring bad bacteria. My LFS actually sell a sponge that has a small hole in the middle which goes almost to the end on the sponge which is made especially for putting over th filter intake!