pulsing xenia problems

May 17, 2009
i have 3 different tanks, 8 gal bio, 29 gal bio, and a 37 gallon tank. all have been running for over a year, closer to two and have been doing great. they all have been keeping all different kinds of coral amazingly, leathers, lps, sps, you name it they love it in these tanks, except xenia. i dont know why but no matter what tank i use i can go buy a great frag of pulsing xenia and after it goes in my tank it will stop pulsing within hours and then after a couple days basicly turn into a glob of nothingness.ive tried different spots in the tanks, better lighting, every range of flow possible, idk what to do, all my peramiters are dead on and like i said, even corals that are thought to be so much more difficult to keep are doing very well in my tanks. Anyone have any ideas on what to do to fix this?


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
xenia requires a ph of at least 8.2 to pulse in fact I actually use it as a ph monitor....if it stops I know my ph may be low. It also requires good iodine in your system and as iodine is tricky to test for as there are iodine, iodate etc. it is difficult to determine I know people that keep a lot of softies may dose lugols in small amounts to ensure that they have enough. I don't recommend adding any supplement that you are not testing for but maybe this is the problem?

Aug 22, 2009
xenia requires a ph of at least 8.2 to pulse in fact I actually use it as a ph monitor....if it stops I know my ph may be low. It also requires good iodine in your system and as iodine is tricky to test for as there are iodine, iodate etc. it is difficult to determine I know people that keep a lot of softies may dose lugols in small amounts to ensure that they have enough. I don't recommend adding any supplement that you are not testing for but maybe this is the problem?
So is it a bad thing to add calcium and iodine on a weekly bases?

May 17, 2009
no, i would just strongly recommend you have test kits for them before you add them, but i know the iodide that i use (kent) has a weekly dose as well as a daily dose (only a few drops). calcium has similiar instructions, just test often and you should be fine with using the dose the bottle recommends.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The problem with dosing Iodine such as Lugols is that most test kits only test for one type of iodine/iodate etc. The Salifert test kit tests all three which is the one you want.

May 17, 2009
ok, its been about a week or two, changed the ph and testing it every other day, its been 8.2 constantly, still nothing, still alive and all, but no better. I even have a sun coral that i put in that tank last week and its doing amazingly, open all the time, i just dont get it.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
you could have some aleopathy (ie. chemical warfare) going on between your xenia and any other corals in your tank such as soft corals leathers etc