Purigen pH question

Sep 26, 2009
Duluth, MN
I just started using Purigen (made by Seachem), and I was wondering if anyone else had experience with it.

Specifically, I was wondering about the recharging process. They recommend for freshwater tanks that you use a pH neutralizer as the last step. I have fish that like a higher pH (7.5-8.5), and I was wondering if anyone who has used Purigen has tested the pH after recharging. I just got my first batch of purigen, so I doubt I'll be recharging for a LONG time, but I'd like to get all my supplies and have them on hand. I'm debating whether I'll need a acid buffer.



Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
I have Nitra-Zorb made by API, and they seem to both have the same exact purpose and makeup. Well as you know recharging means to resoak the purigen in a solution and it ready for use again. No need to buy extra supplies for this purpose. If you are referring to buying the buffers, like i first thought you were, then you probably should get a 7.5 pH buffer (if youre using it for livebearers and the like) or an 8.2 buffer (if youll be adding african chichlids) to stabilize the tank after treatment. I've used the 7.5 and the pH stays at around 7.4-7.8 but more often than not, its at 7.5 .

Thats all i can suggest.

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