I bought 5 blue tetras about 6 months ago. I put them in a 30 gal tank with some cherry barbs, kuhli loaches, otto cats and honey gourami. Within 12 hours, the "alpha tetra" had nipped and chased EVERY other fish into a small exposed part of the tank. His (or her) behaviour was aweful! I caught him and moved him into my neon tetra tank (10 gal. 7 neons), thinking he wouldn't pick on fish his same size and shape. Hey, maybe they'd school together. All the other fishes breathed a sigh of relief and came out of the terror zone. I went to sleep and woke up the next morning only to find that in BOTH tanks, there was one blue happily swimming about terrorizing everything else. These fish, in my opinion have issues, and maybe that's why they're not so common. The ones I got didn't get along with each other, much less any other species. These fish caused so much stress to all my other fish, I decided to make them turtle food. I couldn't bear the thought of anyone elses fish going through that same trauma if I took them back to my LFS. (I know, that sounds harsh, but my turtle has to eat too). Instead of goldfish, Flash (the turtle) had a gourmet meal.