Its tough letting a fish you like go.
And your right, a krib in an envelope just isnt right! lol
Shipping can be very stressfull on fish, not to mention expensive. I'm sure that you have already checked out localy for anyone to take her. Have you checked any local fish clubs as well?
If you do end up shipping, here is the method I most commonly see:
Double bag the fish, and in the bag with the fish use O2
Put rubberbands around the corner of the bags to get rid of the corners. This helps in the case that the bag rolls some in the box, if the fish happens to be in a corner when the bag shifts, then it could be stuck there and get crushed or sufocate
Line a small box with styofoam to help retian heat. Depending on the weather, you may want to add cold packs, or heat packs to help maintain a steady temp during transit
Tape the box up securely, and be sure to label it as live fish
Prior to shipping, do not feed the fish for two or three days. This helps clean out its system, and reduces the amount of waste produced during shipping.
I've gotten fish in before, but never shipped them. To me that sounds like a whole lot of headache that I just don't need.
Good Luck in finder her a happy new home!