PUZZLING??! Fry but no adults!


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
hi, i got a 4ft tank a month or so ago and its been cycling all this time, i've done a completely fishless cycle. The tank was completely dry when i got it as was the sand i put in. Today the tank is ready but nitrates were slightly high so i went out and bought about 20 plants and done a water change, while i was doing this i noticed a baby fish, then 3 more!! Where have they come from??? Could there eggs have been stuck to plants?
All ideas welcome!!

Feb 27, 2009
When I prune my plants and have clippings to sell, I leave them floating in an old 5-gallon water change bucket a few days to help them establish some roots (thank goodness for Python now!). I always check the bucket for fry and every 3 or 4 times will find a few. I've got 7 more Celestial Pearl Danios that way, countless rasbora over the past year, and 12 currently that are still too small to tell which rasbora they may be.

It's like a treasure hunt!

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
My LFS sells aquatic plants directly from their Red Cobra Delta Guppy breeding tank. Even though guppies are livebearers, it's highly probable that your LFS does the same thing with fish that lay eggs. It's very likely. Congrats on the new babies!!! Can't wait to hear more about them! Let us know if you figure out what kind of fry they are! :D


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
wow thanks for all the replies!! Ok so i found a load more and i'm keeping them in a nursery, if they make it there is no way i can keep them all so they will have to go to the lfs to be sold! There are a couple bigger ones and they are looking like danios! But i will keep you posted!

Sep 16, 2008
wow, i'm surprised! Most people wouldn't be able to feed unidentified fish that young before they died. To help them grow, feed them multiple times a day, change the water frequently, and keep good water quality. Good luck!


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
sorry its been a while, well, all the babies are still alive and are very different sizes at mo so not sure if some are older or if they are a different species but the two biggest ones are definatly danios, they just got there first stripe!! I'm feeding them liquifry, crushed flake and tetra min baby which is like a powder, i will still keep you posted!