A great fish for smaller aquariums. They do best with there there own kind, but have been known to school with other species of cories. I had 3 in a 3 gallon tank, that did quite well.
i just got 5 last week and they are doing very well...they were at my lfs for about a month before they would sell them, they came in sickly so they were holding them...they say they dont ship well
the ones i have seem real healthy and active and try to school with the bigger cories and the black neons in the tank
now that i see how tiny they look in my 35gal i'm scared to death i'll siphon them up...other than that i love em
So would you sugest this fish for my 10gal?
I need some bottom feeders and was gonna go with a peppered cory but if these guys are smaller and better suited for smaller tanks id love to get a few