python no-spill kit


Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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I'm am thinking of getting a python no-spill kit, read the reviews on it and it sounds great, but i hae a couple questions for anyone who has one.
When you refill, i know i can probably get the temp pretty close to what it should be, but as far as adding chlorine eliminator and ph decreaser as i usually do on a water chage, how do you do it if you put the water directly back into the tank? do you put in the chems then fill it back up? or fill it up then put in the chems? Is this stress ful for the fish? I mean whether i put chems in b4 or after fill up, the fish will get a douce of chlorine or real high ph from m straight tap water?

Any ideas i'l really appreciate it! ty! Niki


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Santa Barbara, California
i dont use chlorine eliminator when i refill with my phyton. it aerates the incoming water so the Cl2 can evaporates.
my fish are fine, no fish in my tank ever died because i put water straight from tap.
but if you want to put some chemicals, you can just fill the tank first, run your filter and then put some.

you should get it, it's a great tool! highly recommended. it saves me carrying buckets back and forth for draining and refilling.


Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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so the short time my fish may be exposed to chlorine or higher ph than usual probably won't hurt them too much cause the way it sound this python works fast and it would only be a matter of minutes b4 i could lower them both back down.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
The Python is too expensive. I use a $7 water hose. Since my 100g is in the front living room, I can run the hose out the front door and water the plants. Lucky for me, there's a faucet right outside the front door. Hook it up and presto! You can also buy the $4 water bed drain and fill thingie to hook up to a faucet if you need to do it that way.


Small Fish
Dec 5, 2002
Nacogdoches, TX
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Well, i thought I had already replied to this using the quick reply but obviously I don't know how to use that either. Anyway, what I said was I don't know what a python is. I thought you were talking about the reptile at first. Could someone please fill me in. And by the way how DO you use the quick reply? It took me back to a reply screen.:confused:


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
The Python is a drain and fill kit that doesn't make a mess. It's great and extremely helpful, but too expensive for poor people like me.

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Oct 22, 2002
The python was the best thing I got! Of course, it depends on how big your tanks are! For my 90G, the python compares to no other.

As for adding dechlor, I usually do not add it if Im only doing a 25-30% waterchange. Any more water change and then I do. Ph down I would not recommend to use in the first place however if you do, the best is to use a barrel or something to 'age' your water and change the chemistry. Never use it directly in the tank because it could cause problems like ph swings or crashes!


Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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Well when i use Ph down, i put the water in a bucket, then add ph and chlorine& chloramine eliminator. The ph and chlorine are high in my tap water. You can smell the chlorine. Sometimes I age the water to get the chlorine out, but not always. If i'm just doing a water change of 20%, maybe I do not need to add these things? or maybe the python is just not right for me. Someone said that you shouldn't worry about Ph as long as its stable, I agree, but when it 8.0+ i thought that was a little high??


Small Fish
Nov 22, 2002
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I just picked up one of these last night after braving the snow storm we had here in the Northeast US. I haven't used it yet, but everyone I know who owns larger fish tanks, or multiple fish tanks, highly recommended it.

The only thing I saw on it that kinda looked cheesy was the plastic adapter (that I don't use in the first place with my particular faucet) as it looked like it could strip real easily.

My only other drawback is that I had to order a 10 Foot Extension online because the 50's were too pricey and Wal-Mart only had the 25 foot one. My 55 is 27 feet away from the sink! :rolleyes: So, once that arrives, I will be using it on the 55 regularly.

On the 10, it would be overkill. The 10 is on the kitchen table and one of my buckets is the equivalent of the 10% water change.

AVALON: Do you use a garden hose with the plastic ends or the metal ones? I used one once, when I had a 29 a few years back, and half of my fish died! After that, I don't trust garden hoses anymore.

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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Worth, TX
Originally posted by TomV
AVALON: Do you use a garden hose with the plastic ends or the metal ones? I used one once, when I had a 29 a few years back, and half of my fish died! After that, I don't trust garden hoses anymore.
It has a metal ends, with a plastic coupler on one end, but that's not the end that goes into the tank. I bought my hose strictly for fish; I don't use it for anything else. It's a cheapy, so the ends are aluminum rather than copper. I haven't had any problems with it, except for the kinking (grrrr :mad: ) I drain it out well after I'm done so nothing will start growing in it. I'm not sure why your fish would have all died :confused:


Small Fish
Nov 22, 2002
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I'll bet the ends on my particular hose were copper. I'm not sure if copper is harmful to fish but I would imagine so. Also, the hose was brand new and I rinsed it out when I got it.


Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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well today is my bday woo hoo, my mom got me a 25' python, might need an extension, not sure yet, but its a start so i'm excited to try this puppy out, especially for free :)
also got one of thosemiracle beam hi-lite underwater things, not so sure i'm excited about puting electrical cords in my tank, but i shinned the light in there real quite and it looks darn cool.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
The Python no spill kit is a wonder. I like it better than the garden hose because of the clear tubing. I also like the adjustable control at the tank-end.
Yes - the plastic faucet connector that comes with the kit is pretty fragile - I spent the extra $5 and got the brass one.

As far as retailers: Can you get things delivered down under from there? They have the best prices up here. My LFS had the 25 ft. Python kits for over $50, and I got the same thing from BigAls for under $25
If you can't get shipping direct to you - maybe some nice American could help you out..... hmmm?