Q about fish to shop ?

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
hey, could i just ask evryone something about how you get fish in to a shop.... i always wanted to know how you get your fish in the shop and how they are sent from where they are bred and stuff like that... if anyone has a link about it describing like it starts here and ends here... that would be help thanks, a bit of a weird thread but anyways...

It starts off with a breeder and they have a lot of tanks with a lot of fish and they change the water conditions to fit the fish's needs and stuff and when they have babies they raise the babies to juvenile size and sometimes keep a few to raise them bigger to use as the breeders later on. When the fish get to a few months old the breeder packs them up and in boxes and sends them off to the fish stores or whoever bought them from him/her just like you would order fish off the internet except they deliver by the truckload and in lots of boxes. When it gets to the lfs they unpack it and do whatever they need to do and they put it into the tanks to be sold.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Most of the common species are bred in a warmer country i.e. a lot of European fish are bred in Singapore and Malaysia, for the US a lot come out of Florida. They are then boxed up and flown over.

Some other common tropicals, especially some tetras and many catfish are wild caught, and then sent up in much the same way by air.

For some other, more uncommon species, these are bred in 1st world countries such as Germany, the UK and the Czech republic. These tend to be harder to breed, higher value per unit fish such as discus and many African Rift Cichlids, rams, fancy plecs and so on.

There are some interesting articles around this subject on the practical fishkeeping website though you need to dig around a bit.

The amount of fish bred and returned to the shop by the average is pretty trivial really, and only significant in a couple of species that are more rare like Uaru, Zebra plecs, Banggai cardinals