Q's about flame/ gold dwarf gouramis


Small Fish
Apr 15, 2009
Hi everyone,

I have a question about flame/ gold dwarf gouramis but first let me tell you how i stocked my tank.

I have a 55gal tank planted with caves + drift wood, hob filter and a power head for current. Inhabiting this tank are 7 tiger barbs, 5 pristella tetras, 5 red phantom tetras, 2 green/bronze corys, 2 plecos and 2 bolivian rams.

The tiger barbs are not aggressive at all towards any of the other fish, same with the tetras. The rams are fine too although they chase the corys every now and then but never nip fins or anything. (I also have reason to believe they're both males).

Now I'd like to add 2 gold or flame dwarf gouramis (male+ female or same sex). would they be ok with the tiger barbs, tetras and rams?

Thanks for your answers!



Small Fish
Apr 15, 2009
I'd say they are around 2" give or take. they were quite small when i got them last june and just grew like weeds :) 2 males should be fine in a 55 with their territories shouldn't they?