Q's on tank cycling

Dec 29, 2002
New Jersey
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Hi All,

I just added fish/live rock to my first saltwater tank. The filter was circulating the water for a few days.

- 30 gallon tank
- 10 lbs live rock
- 5 Damsels (3 blue + yellow tail, 2 white + black stripe)
- Temperature 76 F
- Specific Gravity 1.0215
- Water is crystal clear (for now)

During the cycle,

1.) What do I do if pH is too high? Too low?
2.) What do I do if Specific Gravity is too low? What is the best way to bring it back to 1.0215? If it gets too high, can I just add some distilled fresh water to bring it back down?
3.) Should I be doing water changes during the cycle? If so, how much? 5%, 10%, ... How often?
4.) When do I know I have reached the end of the cycle? Is it when Ammonia and Nitrite are 0?

I am reading the Fenner book, which I purchased on recomendation from the folks on this forum.

Thank you,
Rich Maurin


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Kalamazoo, MI
First off, 5 damsels are probably too many for in there, unless that's all the fish you plan on having, I am running a 29g cycle tank right now with 3 damsels. The ph should regulate itself, but if it gets away from where it's supposed to be try slowly adjusting it with ph down or up - slowly, your fish are under enough stress during cycle. If the gravity get's to high take some saltwater out, and put some fresh in, and if it gets too low (it shouldn't tho, because you checked the water before you dumped it in the tank.. right?) Then just grab a big glass or pitcher and put some water in it, take out the clorine if any, and then add the salt to it. Make sure the salt is fully dissolve and the water has cooled before dumping it in. I am not doing water changes during my cycle, I'm just going to wait till it's done.