Question about angles?


Medium Fish
Jul 12, 2003
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Hey guys, I was wondering if I could put an angel in a ten gal tank? Is 10 gal too small? Right now the one I would buy is around the size of a silver dollar and I plan on getting a 20 gal in a couple of months. Would the angel be ok for that long in a ten till the twenty is cycled? Also, what are some good tank mates?


Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
hm...the 10g is 2 small
i think it should be okay if the angel fish is in the tank for 1 month
but for a couple i don't think so

i think you should wait until u get ur 20g, so that the angelfish don't have to suffer in the 10g


Medium Fish
Jul 12, 2003
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Ok, I was afraid of that (thats why I asked first :) ) I guess I can wait to get some. How many can go in a 20 gal? Thanks!

In the meantime, what would you suggest I do with the 10? I just gave away my turtles and have an empty tank and it is driving me CRAZY *crazysmil *crazysmil !!!! hehe

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
I do agree that a 10g is to small for a silver dollar sized angelfish. I have kept a few baby (dime/nickle sized) angels in a ten but for a short amount of time. The problem with a silver dollar sized angel is that you would already be inhibiting it's grouth without knowing it, there really would not be any leeway time before stunting happens.

bobrob is right. Long tanks are not good for angels. Even standerd size tanks if small enough aren't good for them. The taller the better. The angels top fin will round-out and end up looking like a "boofont" hair do. If not given enough room. This can happen even when they are small. I have 2 DD black angels that were not given the right amount of grow out space and they have this look, even though they were only quarter size when I got them.

For your 20g, I would only get 1 angel. You could have 2 in there, but if you are going to have only 2 angels it is good to have a pair, and a 20g might not be enough room for a pair.

A single angel always looks good no matter what size tank they are in. You can also save yourself a lot of agression issues by only buying 1.
It is a great thing that you came and asked before buying...not many people do this, especially with angels...*thumbsups


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
So you have a question about angles? Hmm, im taking geometry this trimester maybe i could help. :D

I agree 10g is to small and id say a 20 is only big enough for one angelfish. Try to get a 20g T(tall) if you plan on keeping angelfish, they enjoy the verticle space.

- depthC