Question about Caulerpa

Mar 19, 2006
I am newbie to saltwater, but I have kept 3 fresh water tanks for almost 3 years now. Anyway I've setup a 29 gallon tank with a 10 gallon sump and it's been running about a week now.

The problem I seem to be having is with the caulerpa. When I first put the caulerpa into the tank it seemed, well fluffy and more rigid. Now to the touch it's very mushy. My question is what should it feel like and isn't it suppose to root into the mud?

I have attached a picture of my sump. Any help would be appreciated.


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Mar 19, 2006
When I set this up, my LFS told me just to put it in on the first day. It seemed a little odd to me. My LFS just changed ownership and I don't believe the new guy really knows a whole lot about how a mud sump is suppose to work. Granted neither did I.

Definitely looking for any other recommendations. I'm going to be testing the water for Ammonia, Nitrites, and Nitrates for the first time tonight. The salinity levels are good though.

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Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
That looks like a nice little tank you got there.

What exactly do you all have set up on this tank in terms of equipment?

Is your lighting system on a timer and are you using an alternating night/day cycle between the sump and main tank?

Good to see your cycling with LR not a damsel or any other fish!

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Mar 19, 2006
My setup right now is as follows.

- 1 Penguin Powerhead 550 (145 gph)
- 1 Penguin Powerhead 1140 (300 gph)
- Rio 1100 Pump (180 gph)
- 100 Watt Neptune Heater
- 2x65W power compact light fixture made by some cheap company called
- ESHOPPS 300 Overflow box with a personal modification to decrease the
sound. (I have attached a picture)

I don't know the wattage on the light for my sump, but it is a small power compact. Currently I am leaving the sump light on 24 hours.

My main tank light is on about a 14 hour cycle. I don't have it on a timer yet, but I will be putting it on a 12 hours cycle as soon as I get one.


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Mar 19, 2006
I don't have a skimmer. I've read that some feel they are necessary and some feel they aren't. And since I was unsure I figured I could get one later. I have begun looking at skimmers though but can't figure out what would be best for my setup. There isn't a lot of room underneath the tank with a 10 gallon sump underneath.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Sound/looks like a very nice set-up :)

Ya, I would personally ditch the Caulerpa and just let your tank be for the next few weeks and keep an eye on the water perameters and get yourself farmiliarized with the testing.

As well here is a good artical to read in the meantime...look at myth #15

What are the plans for the tank inhabitants ie. corals, inverts, fish?

Mar 19, 2006
I haven't really decided what exactly I want in my tank. I know when I first thought about getting into salt water I wanted it to be all about fish, but the more and more I've researched salt water the more I'm interested in more the reef stuff like corals and what not. I still definitely want to get some colorful fish like clown fish and some shrimp, etc.

The way I see this tank is it's kind of my little experiment to see if I can be as successful with saltwater as I am with freshwater. If I am I'm probably eventually going to break down my 115 gallon freshwater and make it into a saltwater.

Just in case you interested I have attached a picture of my 115 gallon.


Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Looks like you got the FW down no problems...very nice!

So in the meantime while your letting your tank cycle for the next few weeks, I would really take some time and do research on what your interested in putting in the tank...think "long-term" not "oh, that looks nice, for now". There is a lot of stuff out there, but much of it can not be housed together in the same tank or of one that size.

In short patients, research and planning, you're off to a good start so far by the looks of it!

Mar 19, 2006
You know I'd love to answer that question for you. It's actually some sort of a shark. I looked and looked to figure out what the heck this thing was. Originally I purchased it at a PetSmart but didn't pay attention to the name. Anyway I did some research and apparently it is some sort of a cigar shark. I don't know if that means any thing to you. It's definitely of the same origins as the Tin Foil barbs because it has the same large scales and orange fins. Beautiful fish though.

Mar 19, 2006
Caulerpa Update! So I went to the my LFS and we went over the issue with the caulerpa. He still feels that starting with it should be part of the cycling process. Anyway I believe we pin pointed the issue. I put the caulerpa in when I had just filled my tank up with fresh water before I poured in the salt mix.

Anyway just in case anybody else ends up in the same place. There it is... just a simple newbie mistake!