question about fin damage in a betta??

Feb 22, 2005
hi guys,
i'm a new fish owner and i have a few concerns about my betta.. :(
i've had my betta for about 5 months now, but recently i've notice that his fins look like they have been torn a bit. the end of his fins seem to look a bit curled..yeah, i dunno what that is about..
he's in a tank alone..i change his water every week as i've been told..i use a water conditioner too.. his colour seems to be ok, not pale or dull..but sometimes his face does get a little paler, but not for long..
i'm really concerned.. i jsut want to know if its normal, or if i should try something else..
thx guys..

btw, his name is Will Ferrell..i've enclosed a pic of this point i've had him for about 3.5 months..


Last edited:
Mar 11, 2003
Curling usually indicates the start of fin rot, which he may have developed because of his ripped fins. However, sometimes betta's fins just curl. For now, its not a big deal, just keep the water conditions ideal. If the fins do not heal from the rips, add some melafix to the water to prevent infection. If you believe your fish does have an infection, treat with aquari-sol or another medicine that cures fin rot. Sometimes I treat them if there fins are ripped no matter what, just to be safe that they won't get fin rot.

How big is the tank? If its one gallon, your doing good with the 1 change a week. A half gallon should be changed 2 times a week, and anything smaller every 2-3 days.


Feb 22, 2005
thx alexa for your help!!

dear alexa,

thx for the reply! i am really upset because i think his bowl is too small.. it is slightly smaller than 1/2 gallon i think, and i was still told by the people in the pet store that a once a week change was ok.. i will be sure to get a bigger bowl asap and treat him with medication.. i really love my fish.. this is quite disappointing!

thx for your help though!



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
Hi Wendy & welcome to the tank!

I was in your boat too my first betta, with a little 1/2 gallon marina tank and no advise from my LFS on how to care for it. It's good that you posted here.

Alexa hit it on the head, small tanks need a lot more water changes, every 3 days for a 1/2 gallon (full water changes). Thats a little stressful on a betta, which might be affecting his health.

I would invest about $40.00 into your betta's future and get the following items:

A 2.5 to 5 gallon tank. Bigger the better, and easier to keep clean
A 25 watt heater for the above tank, betta's like 78F water temperatures.
A bottle of Melafix OR Bettafix (same stuff), and treat him for fin-rot just in case.

Decorate it they way you like, personally I like sand bottoms with some sunken driftwood and a few taller real or plastic plants.

On a 2.5 to 5 gallon tank, change 1 to 2 gallons of water once a week. You can get something called a gravel cleaner (siphon) at Walmart for about $6.00 that will make it faster and easier.

And, if you have any more questions, your always welcome to ask us!