question about marine bettas.


Medium Fish
Dec 7, 2003
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Does anyone know of all the foods you can feed a marine betta?I was planning on getting one this week but I've been to a lot of sites that say you can only feed them live foods most of the time(Some say you can feed them frozen mysid shrimp).I'm also worried about compatibility with my current fish(I have two Clarkii clownfishes,one is around 2" and the other is around 3",a yellow tang which is about 4-5",and a lionfish which is around 8").The marine betta at the lfs is around 5" and I think they're feeding him baby guppies but I'm not sure.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
the only staple food i have heard of that sustains marine life as well as live food is new life spectrum foods.supposedly even morish idols will eat this food,and everyone knows how dificult they can be to feed.from what i know marine bettas(a type of grouper)are pretty tough to keep.they seem to do okay once you get them acclimated but that can be tough.not sure about compatibility issues.don't know much in the way of that,sorry.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've never kept one though I've seen a few. I've never heard they're too tough to feed, try the FAQ's on wetwebmedia. What I have noticed is that very shy so I gues if your tank is heavily stocked with busy fish it might be overintimidated and never actually go for food. If you have a large enough tank you should be ok I'd have thought. These things can't be that tough, they've been captive bred, raised and sold though I haven't seen captive breds for a while.
How long have you had the clown/lion combo - that looks a bit risky to me


Medium Fish
Dec 7, 2003
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Well I bought the marine betta monday and it seems to be doing fine(It was at the pet store for almost two months)except it will barely eat the mysis shrimp that I feed it.I would really enjoy the help of anyone who has kept one as to what to or how to feed it(I will use guppies as a last resort like I did on my lionfish before I got it to eat silversides)


Medium Fish
Dec 7, 2003
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Today I tried feeding it brine shrimp and it seems to eat it better than mysis shrimp but the lights in the aquarium have to be off and I have to wait till it comes out of hiding.Still,it only ate I think four pieces(I could only tell it was four because the inside of his mouth is white and he opened it four times) which I don't think is really good for a marine betta.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I tihnk you're doing fine. It is at least eating something. Ask the people at the store how long it was before it started eating there. I tihnk it's just nervous, and you'll just have to keep getting small meals down it till is settles in