Question about my betta's behavior..

Oct 21, 2005
I recently added 3 sunset platies to my 5 gal. tank. Will my betta get adjusted to them soon? He keeps chasing them and flaring out his gills (I could be wrong on the actual body part). The gills are turning red on and off. Is this a bad thing?

(Sorry if this sounds dumb. My last incedent with another fish is making me feel uneasy)


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
You will read everywhere on this forum that when it comes to bettas and tankmates it is "iffy". Some don't mind and others HATE it. Sounds like yours is the latter. I would move the others to a different tank before your betta decides he has quit being nice.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I agree, my betta did nothing but hide in a 1 gallon. We got him a 2.5 and he acted like a totally different fish. Now he shares a 5 gallon hex with some snails.

As far as compatability, it depends on the betta. Some are really laid back while others are extremely aggressive. My brothers betta could care less about anything, he's sharing a 10 gallon with some guppies, gourami, oto and even a female betta! They haven't spawned but they don't bother each other. Even when the guppies had babies the betta didn't bother them either. He's very active so he's not depressed or anything, he's just very laid-back. Mine doesn't seem to mind the snails but I haven't tried anything else, although I tried the mirror thing and he didn't flare up, just looked at it.