question about ph?

unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
Messing with pH is not smart. To test it you need to to get a test kit at your LFS and mollies need neutral PH but will adapt to what ever your pH is... It's best to have a constant pH then trying to adjust it all the time

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Looks like you need to do some reading. If you want to go into detail, ask wiki: pH - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

pH is basically the measure of acid or base on a scale from 2-14. 2 being very basic and 14 being very acidic. 7 is neutral. As unwritten law said, you shouldn't mess with your pH too much. Mine has been at a constant 7.6 for the past year or so.

Like I said in one of your other threads, get a testing kit if you don't already have one: Freshwater Master Test Kit
You get an 8% discount at aquariumguys for being an MFT member! Just PM f8fan for the code.


Medium Fish
Mar 2, 2008
I found with city water they use buffers to keep the ph stable and so it won't damage the pipes. When I cycle a tank it takes awhile for the ph to stabilize before I start the next step to cycle my tank. It is best not to play with the ph most fish adjust every well to the ph in a tank as long as it is stable.


Large Fish
Nov 16, 2008
I agree with the above responses. Adjusting the ph up and down is more damaging to your fish then leaving it alone and letting them adapt.