Question about Red Sea 130

Mar 22, 2009
Hi all,

I'm pretty much a newbie so I'm gonna be asking a few questions now and then so be kind :D
As I'm jumping into my first reef tank I'm thinking about going with the
Red Sea 130 or 130D. But want to know if anyone here has this set up
and how they like it?
Was the entire integrated system a better buy and how they like it?



Large Fish
Dec 5, 2005
Hi LadyFish

My concern would be if a component like a pump, filter etc fails. Can it be replaced without having to buy a 130D. Personally, as you grow in the salty side, you'll want to make improvements or changes, and with a 130D you'd pretty much be stuck. I think setting up your own tank would give you the possibility to make changes, and a same size setup would like be of better quality, buying high quality lights, pumps, skimmer etc.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
I tend to agree with Balashark, especially if your end goal is a full blown reef tank. I am not sure of the lighting that is supplied with this tank and whether the integrated skimmer etc are sufficient. Anyone entering this hobby usually ends up upgrading equipment over the course of the first year as they get their feet wet and their knowledge grows. I would look for a nice set up that is reef ready (drilled for a sump/refugium) and then look into setting up a fowlr (fish only with live rock) to start. Get lighting that you will be able to support a wide variety of soft corals, polyps, and some lps (large polyp stony corals) get a handle on these then you will no doubt be looking to get into more demanding species that will require high lighting and more exacting specifications.

Mar 22, 2009
Thanks Lorna and Bala
Wasn't thinking further down with replacement parts. Because you know nothing
ever fails or goes wrong!
Was focused totally on set up.