Question about Serpae Tetras


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2010
I'm just wondering about serpae tetras, I know they can have issues with fin nipping if you keep them in schools smaller than 6, but what I am wondering is if they will school with other similar-shaped and sized tetras, such as bleeding heart tetras or black/red phantoms? I am going to be rearranging my tanks, I'm planning on getting a new 10 gal for my ADFs and possibly adding my assorted danios to it, and then adding a school of tetras to my community tank.

I really like the look of the serpaes, but with that said, I also really love a lot of variety in the tank, so my new plan for the 20 gal is a school of 6-8 tetras, 2 Bolivian Rams, 4 corys, and 3 otos, but if I could get away with some variety in the tetras while still having them school to decrease the likelihood of fin nipping, that would be excellent. I've read elsewhere that tetras usually school with other tetras of similar size and shape, such as neons/cardinals, etc. If not, I have no problem getting the school of all serpaes, but I just wanted to check beforehand and see if this was the case or not.

Thanks in advance!


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
I had a group of 10 which ravaged my angelfish's fins years back..

Fin-nipping shouldn't be too much of an issue with the stock you've listed as there are no long flowing fins. I think it's likely they'd shoal with similarly sized/shaped tetras like the ones there.

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
I have serpaes and bleeding hearts. I plan on buying more, but for the moment I have 2 serpaes and 3 hearts. I used to have 3 serpaes and they shoaled together and hung out a bit with the hearts until the 1 serpae died. They still hang a bit together, but not much. The death of one seemed to break up the group, and the pet store has not had them in stock, so I cannot buy any more for awhile. If you are getting a mixed shoal, get at least 3 or 4 of each to make the groups even. I do not experience fin nipping with these guys. I just put otos in the tank, so they chase the otos occasionally, but I'm sure they will tire of it.