Question about shrimp


Large Fish
Jan 2, 2008
My shrimp, I assume, has just shed it's skin. I guess you call it that... or maybe the shell, exoskeleton?

I know this is good, because it means he is growing. Right?

Should I remove the shell (it was stuck in the intake tube) or should I let the other fish pick at it?

I've never had a shrimp, so this is all brand new to me!

I hope the shrimp is okay. This is probably why we couldn't find him this morning....




MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
hehehe yeah shrimpies go into hiding whenever they molt (that is what it is alled when the shed their exoskeleton :)). It is perfectly normal so do not worry (as you said you weren't).

I usually leave it until my water change and then I make sure to remove it then. It is fine to leave it in (I think- I always do- in fact there are two in my tank right now) so unless you hate looking at it or it worries you or you really really like your tank clean then go ahead and remove it- as far as I know, no harm will come to your tank or its inhabitants either way.