Question about Understanding Test Results

Apr 3, 2007
Knoxville Area
I've got a new 30 gallon tank up and running. Fish in cycling.

Here are my tests results for today:

Ph 7.5
Ammonia 0ppm
Nitrate 5ppm
Nitrite .5-1ppm closer to the .5 side

I'm a bit curious about the Nitrite reading... is it normal for a cycling tank? Is there a good article I can read about healthy parameters for a freshwater tank? So I know when to freak and when not to LOL. Also a good article about how to correct improper conditions in a tank would be great also.

I currently test before I do a water change and then a day or two after water changes. 10% change once a week. Should I be testing more often? Less often? Or at different times? *crazysmil

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
How long has the tank been up and running?
How many fish, and what types?

Here's some guidelines that I go by:

-keep ammonia below 1.0 PPM while fish-in cycling
-keep nitrItes below 2.0 PPM while fish-in cycling
-watch for nitrAtes hitting 15-20PPM, which indicates that the tank is almost completely cycled (ammonia and nitrItes should hit 0 PPM during this time and remain at 0 PPM for good)

-after all that, keep nitrAtes below 20-30 PPM (sometimes species-dependent)

You'll get more specific info. once you answer those first few questions. ;)


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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Okay, so the platies had fry while in this same tank?

Either way, it sounds like you're nearing the end of the cycling process based on your 0 PPM ammonia reading and the relatively low nitrIte reading combined with the presence of nitrAtes.

I'd still like to see the nitrAte level go above and beyond 5 PPM though (my tapwater has 5 PPM to begin with, so this mere presence of nitrAtes doesn't necessarily mean you're done cycling yet). Anyhow, the fact that you still have some nitrItes means the cycling isn't quite done, but very close.

Should be fully-cycled in about a week.
With platies you should be just fine with a weekly water change at this point. I'd maybe up it to 20% per week though (or more).