Question - filter for 50g tank

Jul 8, 2011
Hi, new to fishing keeping and I am about to setup my 50g fish tank 48L x 12W x 20H.
I want to have in the future about 30 tropical fishes building them up slowly few per week.

I wanted to know what kind of filter I should get so that i would only have to change 25% of the water every month.
Currently I bought the Aqueon Quite Flow 55 which the store clerk told me to get but I am not sure if its going to be enough filtration. I read that people are getting way bigger filter system compared to their tank size.(filter that says recommended for 90g for a 55g tank)

Aqueon Quite Flow 55: - Aqueon QuietFlow 55 Aquarium Power Filter
the label says 45-60g tanks

Can someone recommend me a better one or should i go with this one?
Also would it be helpful to get two filters on both sides of the tank one big and one small?

Much appreciated

PS: Can't wait to get my tank setup


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
My opinion: Two filters are a very good idea - If anything happens or you need to start a new tank - you have a back up. I still think though you will need to change water more often than once a month. Seems like many of us do weekly or every two weeks, no matter how the water tests. And be sure to have a good test kit - liquid is your best bet.


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Hampshire UK
Visit site
Your question should read “What filter should I get so I don't have to clean it too often”

No matter what filter you have in there you are still going to have to do water changes, and this will depend (in a cycled tank) entirely on the Nitrate levels – and they will build up faster the more fish you have in there

So this splits into two answers …..

Less fish mean less water changes – nothing else is going to change that

In a long narrow tank (like yours) one filter at each end is the way to go – and alternate cleaning them. The larger the filter, the less often it will need cleaning, anything rated at 30 gal (two of those, one at each end) will suffice – or get a couple of 50 gal cannisters, which will need cleaning less often (watch out this doesn't turn your tank into a whirpool, so look at cans that can be “turned down” so they are not in full flow.

A pair of the old Fluval 204's would do it for me – but it's your choice …...