This is in the past, but the question remains ...
I bought a small fleet (8) of Emperor Tetras and introduced them to my well established but recently vacated planted aquarium. I immediatly started having problems with their behavior. Despite all I read indicating that the ET's are peaceful fish, things were quite different. They were mean as hell! At first I thought maybe the big one was picking on the smaller males, but after only a few minutes, I could see that they were ALL getting rowdy with each other. Each morning I would wake to find a new dead fish, obviously died to a fight. Once, I witnessed the murder of one as well. They continued this self destructive behavior until there was only one beat up tetra left.
Putting that fish in a community tank was fine. It was well behaved.
What the heck? Why did my aquarium inhabitants implode?
I can say with absolute certianty that it was not environment or living conditions. I'm a freak perfectionist and sometimes I test my pH at random times during the day just to be sure.
Gotta be sure.
Gotta be clean.
Anyhow, I digress (again).
Has anyone else had behavioral problems with these guys?
I bought a small fleet (8) of Emperor Tetras and introduced them to my well established but recently vacated planted aquarium. I immediatly started having problems with their behavior. Despite all I read indicating that the ET's are peaceful fish, things were quite different. They were mean as hell! At first I thought maybe the big one was picking on the smaller males, but after only a few minutes, I could see that they were ALL getting rowdy with each other. Each morning I would wake to find a new dead fish, obviously died to a fight. Once, I witnessed the murder of one as well. They continued this self destructive behavior until there was only one beat up tetra left.
Putting that fish in a community tank was fine. It was well behaved.
What the heck? Why did my aquarium inhabitants implode?
I can say with absolute certianty that it was not environment or living conditions. I'm a freak perfectionist and sometimes I test my pH at random times during the day just to be sure.
Gotta be sure.
Gotta be clean.
Anyhow, I digress (again).
Has anyone else had behavioral problems with these guys?