Question...Just did a water change

Sep 30, 2010
Well i just did a water change and my tank levels have been good im sure its cycled now. Well anyways i do water changes and use my gravel cleaner but its an ebay one and i think it i cut back and i am going to give the pleco food only every other day or two times a week but anyways i think my gravel cleaner is crap when i do a 30-50% water change when im done there is still **** floating around in the takes about 2 hours and it will all settle and float back to ontop of the gravel...What do i do? is this hamful or what?


Nov 9, 2010
I have the same thing when I do my water changes with my 39 gal tank no matter what % I do and I got my vacuum brand new. How often are you doing the water changes? I feed my pleco algae chips twice a week and he seems to be happy with that but he is in an established tank that does have a small amount of green algae growth. Have you tried using a net to get some of the junk out in addition to the pump?


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Plecos are literal pooping machines. I once had a common pleco that fouled my filter, he pooped so much. Even my BN pleco and clown pleco produce more waste than any of the other fish in their tanks. Try doing two smaller water changes per week and vacuum the gravel really well each time (so, instead of one 50% water change, do two 25% water changes spaced out over the week).