Question on cycling and "slime"


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA

I just joined and will be asking many questions in the next few weeks.

I have a 40 gallon tank (48" long, 18" tall, 11" wide) with four Bluegill in it. A 4"er, two 3"er's and a 2.5" fellow. I also have a 3" Sculpin. After some bouts with sky high nitrites things settled down and all looked good.

I guess my question is this; is the "slime" that forms (lightly) on the hose to the bubbler, fake plants, etc. beneficial? When I do a 25% water change I usually wipe down the piping and rinse off the phony plants in my tank. I noticed the nitrite level went up to .25, ammonia zero, ph in the mid 7 range. I quickly did a 25% water change. I also notice that when I change water there is a layer of slime just above the water line and I wipe that down too.

I need to add that I have no sand or gravel on the bottom. The lady at the Aquarium supply said to wait a while longer before adding it. Therefore I have taken to vacuuming the solid waste off the bottom every few days.

Should I quit all the wiping and rinsing and just do the 25% changes every so often?


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
No it's not thick, in fact you can't really see it, only feel it. I'm thinking that just may contain beneficial bacteria.

As I said, there is a layer that forms on the glass above the waterline that I notice when doing water changes. That I think I will wipe off each time.

Thanks for the answer.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It is normal for the tank walls and equipment to be a little bit slimy from the bacteria. It's nothing to worry about.

The layer on the water line is probably mineral deposits left by evaporation. Also harmless, but it can get unsightly if it builds up.