While out hanging with a friend near a creek I saw and preceded to catch two small fry swimming with a group of mixed age iron colored shiners. The two shiners I caught were less than a quarter of an inch long with the smallest being about 1/8 th of an inch long. I am currently housing these two in a 16 oz container to get them used to frozen ground shrimp and gold fish flakes with plans to move them into a 10 gallon tank. Now here is my question these shiners are not supposed to excede 3 inches will a 10 gallon be enough to house them? Next question involves the filtering of the aquarium. As I mentioned they are currently housed in a 16 oz container and I hope to move them by the end of the month until then what should I use as a filter(biological or man made) now for the transition to the ten gallon tank what brand of filter would you suggest? I did basic research to find out that these guys do not swim deeper than 1 and 1/2 feet and feed on a variety of things from detrious to small crustacians bugs and bug larvae and they will munch on algae and grasses and they like sandy and rocky bottoms to mate. Should I go acquire some algae and sand from where I caught them? The holding cell they are in now is filled with water from the creek I caught them from to maintain water temp and pH until the switch. Sorry for the enourmous post I just want to make these little ones as happy and healthy as possible. In closing I know the rule for fresh water fish is that for every two to three inches means another ten gallons of tank space does this apply hear? K i'm done I swear