question on silver lyretail molly after giving birth.

Apr 9, 2014
My silver lyretail molly gave birth last night to 6 (that we've found so far) babies. She is now acting very strange. Iam new to fish, and only have a 10 gal tank. (She was pregnant when we bought her). I did put the babies in a floating breeder tank, so far 3 have died. Now im worried about the mama. She is at the bottom of the tank, just kinda laying there. Could she still have babies? Or is she just resting after giving birth? Anything i should do for her or just let her be? She also seems to shake like she is shivering for a few seconds, then she settles down again.

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Feb 27, 2009
How long has the tank been set up? 10 gallons is small for a molly. What other fish are in the tank? Do you know the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate are? What do you use for a dechlorinator?

Sorry for so many questions. We need more info to help.

Feb 27, 2009
Hope all is ok. If its a newly set up tank, you may be running into ammonia and/or nitrite spikes as the tank completes the nitrogen cycle. Water changes are your best friend at this time!

Feb 27, 2009
The water's pH is not of much consequence. The ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate are the more important readings to monitor. If your dechlorinator can also neutralize ammonia and nitrite, that would be your best bet to do an fish-in cycle.

Good luck!


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Julie, just to add to what OC said, if you have no means to measure for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate, you need to be doing regular water changes on your 10g. You may have to do this more than once a week. You can drain the water level right down to where the fish can barely/safely swim, then fill it back up with same temperature, dechlorinated water. Weekly water changes are a must for most every tank.