Question re: breeding rams

Oct 22, 2002
Ok I am setting up this discus tank, so I went with widely accepted safe tankmats: Rams and rummynose. My goal is to end up with only two rams, a pair. I will trade the extras back to the LFS towards my discus purchase. I've done my reading, but I still have few questions.

1. Will the rams want to pair up and mate with all the activity in the tank? (school of rummy nose, extra rams, discus)

2. Will the discus chow the eggs? I'm guessing the rummy nose will, unless the rams can fend them off.

3. There is LOTS of plant cover. Might some fry survive?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
dont know
Re: Question breeding rams

AWESOME CHOICE!  I have Angelfish/Rummynose/and a pair of breeding rams in a 75 gal densly planted.  My Rams pair upwith no problem.  Like your picture, they like my driftwood.  When my Angelfish or rams lay eggs though, there is little stopping the rummynose and my cories from going into a mad egg chomping frenzy.  I remove the eggs to a breeding tank.  I have 15 rummynose, and my poor little two rams have no chance fending them off even with the plant cover.  

Nice picture.  :)  

Oct 22, 2002
Re: Question breeding rams

Ok, I do have a suitable hatching tank, but the chunk of driftwood they're stuck to is huge, way too huge. How do you recommend moving the eggs into a new tank?



Re: Question breeding rams

Negative Bagel! I would not recommend moving eggs until maybe the eggs hatch. Very important to keep the water conditions the same. Though maybe it would be better to move eggs now then fry later.

I had my rams breed in my discus tank with cardinals and sae's. When the eggs hatch, the rams were very protective and 'rammed' every fish. No problems with discus, they scared away easy but the cardinals and sae's went crazy after the fry. There were too many cardinals and sae's for the rams to protect the fry from.  :'( Too bad.

Oct 22, 2002
Re: Question breeding rams

Well, I guess I won't move them.

I had kind of alreay written this brood off anyhow. Most of the articles I read indicate it takes a newly formed pair a few tries to get it right. Though, I wouldn't be surprised if they could pull it off anyhow ...

Hehe, and I still need experience. I've never pursued breeding that much because it seems largely "production" rather than "show" oriented. I don't want a nasty looking bare tank in my living room (where all 5 of mine are)

I'm sure my 14 rummy nose will make short work of the fry.



Re: Question breeding rams

I had the another pair breed in my 30G with tigers and neons. Of course when I noticed it, I took the neons and tigers back to the lfs and raised some fry. Unfortunately, young rams are very suseptible to gill disease and I lost most of them to that. Be sure to kill an eye on that and treat it immediately.



Re: Question breeding rams

Keep a good watch on the rams. When the eggs hatched in my 30G, I at first thought that the parents ate the eggs or fry. however, what happen was that the female moved to a new location. The fry are really hard to see but usually one of the pair stay with the fry at all times, making sure none adventure too far from the parent. The fry dont really swim yet but wriggle around on the gravel or whatever they are layed on. My fry were set on top of one of the fake plants, kinda all tucked in like kids in bed.  :D After a couple of days the fry start free swimming and look like a bunch of flies swarming around the mother. It is really cool.

Oct 22, 2002
Re: Question breeding rams

Sweet! I hope they're still in there!

I'm getting breeder fever now. I have always detested the thought of having an ugly "non-show" aquarium in my living room, but I am going insane. I want to see behavior! Breeding is a good way to see that ...


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
dont know
Re: Question breeding rams

I always have the best success moving my eggs to another tank; of course I do keep the tank at the same water quality.  That way I can treat the water for fungus if need be also.  Works well IMO.

Congrats on the fry.  First ime breeders, you must have pros.