question re: cory catfish and sinking tablets


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Have noticed that 1 of my platies will scavenge for food on the bottom, as well as eating a good bit of the top food I put in. So, I bought tablets for bottom feeders. I only have 1 cory though. Should I break the tablet and only put in a small piece, so as not to overfeed the cory? I put a tablet in today, and after a few minutes I took it out. Also, noted the same platy was feeding from the tablet along with the cory. Maybe I should change her name to Porky instead of Pokey! She looks like she could be pregnant.

And speaking of feeding, I also have a question about how much to feed while going through the cycling process.

Thanks to anyone that can answer these for me!


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Feed as little as possible while cycling. Yeah, platies will pick at the sinking pellets too, they're little pigs. With only 1 cory, you should probably break the tablet and only give a piece, every 3-4 days while cycling (maybe every other day once the cycle is done). As long as they're not getting thin, you're not underfeeding.


Large Fish
Jan 7, 2007
Thanks, Caps. Sounds like I've been feeding too often while cycling. Process hopefully will go quicker if I cut back. Picking up on some Nitrates now so things are moving along.....and the cory seems real healthy so far. Really hope he can make it...he's my favorite fish.