
Dec 8, 2004
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How do you know if your mystery snail is alive? I think my bettas may have eaten the snails' food last night. One of them was really bloated this morning when i woke up- or should i say this noon. but the bloating went down so im assuming she ate something in the morning. the algae disk was half gone but the snails hadn't moved... they're not on anything but they're not floating either

May 12, 2005
Snails will actually appear dead for days at a time. Not sure why but mine do it at least every two weeks. It is normal, as far as I know. Just keep an eye on it, I'm sure it is fine. As for eating they can usually find their own food all over them tank. I don't feed mine. they get all the "leftovers".

Dec 8, 2004
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lol- there are no leftovers in my tank. i just have 4 female bettas and two black mystery snails in my ten gallon, and i hand feed the bettas to make sure that the alpha one doesn't hog all of the food. i've been feeding my snails one algae wafer every other night.

i heard somewhere that dead snails have squishy soft shells and live ones still have hard shells. is this true?