

Large Fish
Jan 13, 2008
ft. campbell, KY
i have a male betta in a 5 gallon love to get a female betta will that be ok? i have always loved bettas they are so beautiful and i really want another one. Any advice would be great.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I have a male and female betta together but I'm told they're freaks of nature that should have killed eachother long ago (Obviously I didn't know this at the time I bought them, I think they're sibs they were in the same tank back then too).

So.... I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a divider in the tank to keep them apart.

What you COULD do is pick up another 5G hex (or smaller but really the 5Gs cost just a little more then the 3s so what's the point? :p) and keep a trio of females together in that.

The females can easily reside together but there's a few things you need to keep in mind:

They are aggressive (not as aggressive as the males but still aggressive) so you need to provide hiding places (caves or plants) and distinct terratories they can claim (so one cave or plant per fish).

To reduce fighting it's best to have 1 or 3 never 2 or the same two will always fight. If you have three it sort of spreads it out and they seem to chill out.

I hope that helps!

For your male I would recommend calmer more passive tank mates. I just got some aquatic dwarf frogs and they are ADORABLE and would make great tank mates for him.

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Large Fish
Jan 13, 2008
ft. campbell, KY
awww that saddens me i guess i should have got a female instead. Wasnt really paying attention to the sex i was looking more for color im all about beautifully colored fish lol


Large Fish
Jan 13, 2008
ft. campbell, KY
i really have no more room for anymore tanks...we have a tiny tiny place and its being overrun by a 55 gallon and a 29 gallon. The 5 gallon was easy to place on top of my entertainment center..oh well ill just enjoy the one betta i have

I had a male and female together. Juju and Kissyboots :). They were fine together; of course they kinda ripped each other's fins off a bit but they didn't kill each other. They even layed eggs several times. Juju died of old age so I got a new betta. I put Finfin in with Kissy to see if they would be ok. He immediatly ripped of part of her fin and she got kinda aggressive. Obviously it depends on the personality of the betta so I would say no. If they end up having a problem, where would you put her? Like Tab said, you could get some kind of smaller fish to make him happy. I just have two swordtail fry with mine in the 5g hex until they grow big enough to not be a snack for Kissy (she's twice as big as my new betta, I guess she's a fatso)