

Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
I'm completely new to fish keeping, and I am trying to figure out what I want to stock my 10G tank with. I posted on this earlier, however this is a new thought. I'm not trying to be a pain (and I certainly hope I'm not coming off that way). I was thinking about keeping 3 Ottos, 2 Red Wag Platies, and a Dwarf Gourami. My tank is established and I currently have the Gourami, Platies, and a Neon Tetra (I had more but due to a freak water overheating accident I am left with just the one). I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, but I'm new at this. Any advice would be appreciated.


Large Fish
Jul 25, 2008
So. Cal. USA
I really only have experience with native fish but I have a 10 gallon tank with three Mottled Sculpins in it and it looks so small...

I don't know how big the fish are that you listed, but if they are all just an inch long yo are getting close to your limit.

The footprint of a 20 gallon tank isn't much bigger than a 10. Upkeep is easy too. A weekly water change involves one large bucket of water. Any chance of getting a bigger tank?


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
I really only have experience with native fish but I have a 10 gallon tank with three Mottled Sculpins in it and it looks so small...

I don't know how big the fish are that you listed, but if they are all just an inch long yo are getting close to your limit.

The footprint of a 20 gallon tank isn't much bigger than a 10. Upkeep is easy too. A weekly water change involves one large bucket of water. Any chance of getting a bigger tank?
I could get a bigger tank, the trouble is I'm in college and money is a bit tight. The tank itself wouldn't be too bad it's the new pump and everything else that would do it in for me. I want to get a bigger tank, I'm just not sure I can afford it -_-


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I could get a bigger tank, the trouble is I'm in college and money is a bit tight. The tank itself wouldn't be too bad it's the new pump and everything else that would do it in for me. I want to get a bigger tank, I'm just not sure I can afford it -_-
that stinks, and you will be limited to how much fish you can keep in there. I would stop where you are right now. Adding more fish can only lead to excessive work and higher rate of fish loss = wasted money for you, which is something I'm sure you don't want to do considering your budget. Your tank right now looks fine and you should probably leave it at that.


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
3 Otos would probably be a bit much for a 10g. They're voracious algae eaters, and they'll starve off if you can't provide enough algae for them. Some people can get them to munch on algae wafers and zuccini... I've had no such luck. blah.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
Yeah, I'm saving up my money for a bigger tank. I was going to get one but I ended up getting in a car accident and I had to buy a new car (airbags are not fun). My tank has some algae in it right now, so I was looking to get an algae eater. I know Ottos are schooling fish, is there a small fish that would work for me? I was also considering a dwarf shrimp of some kind.

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Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
all tank has algae... If your algae is excessive and bothering you, I would suggest reducing the amount of light that hits your tank, and don't overfeed. Reducing the lighting to 8hrs a day or less will help reduce the algae growth. For now you might want to scrub any off. You technically do not need an algae eater.


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
I understand, that makes sense. I like bottom feeders and was hoping to get one. I know most of them will eventually get too large for my 10G tank. Which is why I was looking at shrimp (I think it would be cool to have one in the tank). If it won't work, it won't work. I just am trying to turn every stone if that makes sense :)


Large Fish
Aug 6, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
I understand, that makes sense. I like bottom feeders and was hoping to get one. I know most of them will eventually get too large for my 10G tank. Which is why I was looking at shrimp (I think it would be cool to have one in the tank). If it won't work, it won't work. I just am trying to turn every stone if that makes sense :)
i gotcha for a 10G I guess corys wouldnt be a bad choice, 3-4... I was going to say ottos but emmanuel spoiled that for me after saying that 10G is not good for ottos. Ottos are sensitive to water quality anyway


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
i gotcha for a 10G I guess corys wouldnt be a bad choice, 3-4... I was going to say ottos but emmanuel spoiled that for me after saying that 10G is not good for ottos. Ottos are sensitive to water quality anyway
I can look into Corys, do they like to be in groups? I'm only asking because of the fish I already have. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it :)