questionable gender of molly...


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
I have two mollies, one is obviously male, but the anal fin on my other molly isn't exactly pointed, but isn't exactly fanned out either... and I'm thinking it's a female because she appears pregnant.

I couldn't really get a good picture of them, but I posted videos to youtube.

The first link is a video of the male molly (Domino):

YouTube - Male Molly

The second link is a video of the potential female/pregnant molly (unnamed.. suggestions?):

YouTube - Molly - Gender? Pregnant?

Also, I'd like to not receive any comments regarding the black moor in my tank. I already know. (His name is goober.. *twirlysmi )


MFT Staff
Jul 27, 2007
Hamilton, ON.
haha did I hear someone vacuuming in the background? haha

Well I am sorry I was unable to tell if the molly in the second vid is a male or female. Here is how I tell with my guppies and mollies are close to the same in this regard I feel. does the anal fin ever move forward or to the side? if yes, then it is a gonopodium and is therefore male.

If it is female though it is likely pregnant, and IMO you should do a thing. It depends on what you want though. If you want all of the fry to grow up for one reason or another, you will want to remove the mother into her own tank the day before she pops the babies out into a tank *full* of hiding places for the fry. I know it is hard to know when she will pop but once she has one batch, wait about 3 weeks and then she is likely to come in about then. After a while you just learn their gestation period as it is a bit different for each fish.
If you don't want the fry to survive necessarily, just let nature take its course. She will release them into your tank and the other fish will eat them, as will the mother. If you have many hiding places then they may grow up and get big enough if they are smart, but otherwise they will just get eaten.


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
this fish is crazy... it's anal fin is straight and pointed when it's swimming, but when it stops, it fans out ever so slightly... As for the fin moving... I don't think the fin on my molly that's definitely male moves.. :/ I guess we'll see what happens... I don't really have room for more fish soooooo.. poor potential fries. It's sad that it has to happen that way.

Jun 21, 2008
If it helps, think about this: the first ingredient in most fish foods is fish meal, which I'm assuming is ground up fish, etc. So, it's part of what happens in the wild. I wouldn't beat yourself up about it. A lot of people use fry as a type of feeder fish anyway. Sorry I'm no help with your hermaphroditic molly.


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
and I just realized what you thought was a vacuum cleaner was actually my roommate's desktop! (yes I'm still in the unfortunate phase of college where I have to have a roommate... next semester will be different *crazysmil)


Large Fish
Apr 29, 2009
Looks like a female to me and she looks pregnant. Another way to tell is the dorsal fin. It tends to be larger on male mollies though this isn't always 100%.

If there are babies in the tank one day then you'll know you had a female, lol.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
I couldn't really see "it" clearly enough to tell for sure, but the body shape doesn't look female to me, it just looks like it ate a lot. If it is female and pregnant, it isn't too far along. IMO I would say female since a male's gonopodium will never "fan" out, however, she doesn't appear to be very far along in her pregnancy. Try not feeding for a day or two and see if she slims down.


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
That's a female betta? She's really pretty. As far as the molly goes, I vote female. Give it a few weeks, you'll know soon enough!