questions about my new crowntail

Dec 30, 2004
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I was lucky enough to find an elusive crowntail female betta at my fish shop. she has a yellow/pastel body with pink/reddish fins.
question 1: when i spawn this female, what percentage of the fry will be crowntails if i spawn her with a veil-tail?
question 2: even though her body is lightly colored, will she still show vertical stripes?


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
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I can't draw out a simple genetic diagram... because I don't know if crowntail or veil tail is dominant or recessive in bettas. If it is any help, dark colors are usually dominant. Best guess is that you will get 25% Crowntail fry, 25% Veiltails, and 50% Crowntail-Veiltail cross. Any recessive trait may show up in a few fry. Vertical stripes may not be a trait, but more suggestive of their readiness to breed. Usually vertical stripes are likely not a genetic trait of bettas.