Questions about testing and live rock

Aug 15, 2008
I am just starting with saltwater, and I have a couple of questions..

First, I've read that test strips are not really accurate enough to be using, and I was wondering how accurate these are: the constant water monitor thingys or these electronic pool testers.

And also, when you buy live rock, should it be transported in water or not? Because at the two places I've bought it, neither did. One being Petco, who put driftwood with water, but not the live rock?

And I'm sure I'll have lots more questions.


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Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
For testing, you'd be better off buying liquid test kits. The AP range is reasonably good. Salifert and Elos brands are better, but more expensive, and not as easily available from chain stores.

Live rock is rarely given in water by the store. You should take it home straight away and put it in water, though.

Aug 15, 2008
Thanks. My girlfriend found the pool pH tester on eBay, but I figured I should see if it works or not before we bought it..

Okay, another question..

I started this tank about a week ago. It's a five gallon hex (I know, bad size to start with) with about 4 pounds of live rock in it. I also put live sand in. The specific gravity is at about 1.022. I have seen no evidence of any life, or any ammonia, nitrites or nitrates. And I know, patience is key, I'm going to try to wait atleast 3 months before I put anything in.

But the sand and the larger piece of live rock are starting to turn a dark brown color, is that normal? Is it just brown algae? Other than that, the only change is bubbles forming on the rock..


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It sounds like you have diatoms in there. It's normal, and often indicates the initial cycle is over. I'd keep testing for another week to see if you have any parameter spikes.

If you bought the rock pre-cured from a tank in the store and put it into your tank within an hour or so, it's possible you won't see a cycle.