Questions and Help

May 16, 2006
Ok ok I just bought an eel for my aquarium to make it look very aquarium i'm not sure how big it is but its a common one 10X20 type of one...
Well thing is when i put him in the water he swam straight to the bottom and hid under the rocks I saw him last night so he is alive. I don't know is that normal?
Another thing I bought two guppys male and female how long will it be before kids?
And is there any salamander type of animals who can live in a tank without air?
Another thing what is the best breeding fish?

Jan 27, 2004
Nipomo CA
Welcome to the tank!

A couple of questions? do you know what type of eel it was? tiretrack, peacock...? Eels are known to bury themselves in the gravel and hide. Eels are predatory fish so they might make your guppies if they are in the same tank a midnight snack when it is larger.

Well you only gave 2 dimensions for your tank so I can only guess that it is a 10 or 20 gallon tank.

For the guppies probably in at least a month or so if they have reach sexual maturity longer if they have not

Best breeding fish? The easiest is probably guppies you really dont have to do much with them and they breed, half the time that you buy females at the store they are already pregant.

They sell african dwarf frogs that live in the water and only come up for air everyonce in a while. There is a really good article that someone wrote on the website someone should be able to post a link to it.

May 16, 2006
My eel is a baby his mouth isn't as big as earthworms yet and will it permenatly stay there or is it adjusting? One more thing I'm getting a new bigger tank is there any type of long snake like body fish that stay above the rocks besides an eel?

May 12, 2006
A friend of mine got an eel cause he thought it looked cool, but all it does is hang out at the bottom of the tank like you described and has turned out to be pretty boring. When it's not hiding in whatever crevice it can find it's trying to escape from the top of the tank so if you have any holes on your lid, you may want to cover them up. I don't know if that behavior applies to all species of eel but you don't wanna come home and find him on the floor. As for the guppies they give birth very frequently and very easily. And they have a lot of kids too. If you take the guppies out you can feed the babies to the eel but if you leave them in the eel will probably eat them as soon as he gets comfortable in his new habitat.

May 16, 2006
See I thought the same thing he was cool looking but he hasn't done nothing. My catfish is more exciting than him and all he does is swim in a loop all day.

Feb 18, 2006
WA state
The best thing to do when you see an interesting fish is to write down the name of the fish and then do some research about it. I've often seen fish at the store that looked really interesting, but then researched them and found that they wouldn't be that interesting to keep in my tank.

You may want to check with the petstore and see if you could return the eel, especially since it might end up eating your other fish.

Good luck!

May 16, 2006
Okay question I took the eel out and got him a new place....But now the male guppy is floating all wierd like around the tank backwards and sideways and regular...He's alive I see him breathing it's just wierd....And then Is fins are see through and the tail fin is missing a little of it..HELP please