Questions and story

Sep 19, 2012
Clearwater, Fl
Ok, I am relatively new to fish keeping.I started out with a goldfish I won at the fair. It lasted 6 months(pretty good right)? However, the only reason it died was because I got a 5 gallon tank and didn’t cycle it. So I ended up putting him in there and he died…. It was a sad day indeed. After cycling and such, I went to the store and got some new fish. A Red wag Platy And two guppies. All was well. Then one guppy died mysteriously and then the same happened to the other. The platy was fine though. (this place had a return policy so I didn’t waste that much money). I got my water sample checked and everything was above average. So I got a silver molly. He lived for a week so i got a another fish, a variutus platy. They have lived happily ever since i got the tank working out. Recently I went to the nearby creek and caught me a sail fin molly and a craw fish. (very small). The molly died within hours but the craw fish lived. I know right now your probably screaming at me because i have stuffed my tank but here me out. The craw fish molted the next day and got bigger. Still didn’t think it was a problem. So since the molly died I went to my friends(veteran fish tanker) favorite place to fish shop. I looked and looked then i saw what i was looking for… I didn’t know much about it but I wanted it. It was a swordtail. I took him home and got him settled in. he was great for a few days then I woke and saw a horror. The swordtails “sword” had been ripped off! I was pissed… I knew it was the craw fish too. So I took him and threw out my front door in anger. As of right now my tank is happy even though I’m pushing the limit of fish.
So now that I’ve told you my background, I’ve been wanting to upgrade to a 30 gallon aquarium for Christmas. My parents said yes.
1. Will my Swordtails “sword” grow back?
2. I’ve been researching a lot and was curious, will my fish adjust to the larger aquarium?
3.Should I get another swordtail?
4. What is a good selection of fish including my fish for the tank? (no tetras please, I don’t like really aggressive fish) or catfish.
5. What should I do with the 5 gallon tank?
appreciate the help

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Superstar Fish
Well from your story you live in the southern boarder states or just got lucky enough to catch a molly that was just released in the creek. Here is the screaming part but take it in stride please. That crayfish was your responsibility and you should have take steps to release him safely back into the wild. While this is still a risky procedure and he still might have died at least you attempted to the best of your ability. Ok, thats my rant!! There your pets and you should take care of them to the best of your ability and be responsible enough to make sure your tank mates are compatible before bringing them home from the store or wild.
The first thing you really need IMO is a liquid dropper test kit and the ability to do weekly 10-20% water changes with de-chlorinated/de-chloramined water. The later is more important for sure but the test kit will give you ability to know if your water is suitable for your fish.
I also think the 30 gallon tank is worth while if you are able to maintain it. Your 5G tank could be used as a hospital tank. Just leave it running with like one small cheap fish in it so it stays cycled and do like a 10% water change to it every couple weeks so its always ready to take a sick fish.
Well I am not the pro at small community fish so I will leave those comments to someone that knows better them me.
One thing you should always do to your tank is a weekly water change of about 10-20%. This will insure that you have healthy and happy fish that will live a long time. The next thing is not to over feed them, they only need what they can eat in a couple minutes. Over feeding contaminates the water and makes your fish ill. Some of this info about fish dying is most likely due to water quality. Also note that there is no such thing as above average water quality tests. They are either good or bad so ask exactly what the readings are. This is why I think every one keeping fish should have their own test kit.
Please dont think I am bashing you or being hard on you. I am just trying to be honest and this can come across as being direct as well.
Anyway, I would like to help you anyway I can as well as the others on here will to.
Also if you got some pics we would love to see Them!!!!!
By the way my name is Kerry.

Sep 19, 2012
Clearwater, Fl
haha ok i might post some pics. also to clear things up. I have done a lot of researching and over half the stuff you have said i know. but thanks anyway :). also i was thinking, could i put 1 sparkling gourami in the 5 gal? also i realized what i did to the craw fish but I still wasn't emotionally attached. aslo i got the info on the molly and the craw fish from my friend who does things slightly different than me and the community.


Superstar Fish
I figured so if you caught a Molly in the creek, you know they live in the wild in Lake Pontchartrain here in Louisiana which is a saltwater lake. I have a few Mollies in my SW tanks. I am in Shreveport La. The gourami is to big for the 5G IMO, you might research that or maybe someone here knows.