Questions for Mini-bow 2.5

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
hey guys. Im intrested in getting a minibow 2.5g tank for 1 or 2 bettas. I am trying to get my items together.

I know it comes with a filter, a Whisper Power Filter. anyone who has bought have any bad news about it?

If I divide the tank, with the filter be only on one side or can the intake be in one so that output can be in the other to have an even flow?

What heaters do you guys use? I am leaning towards a Visi-therm deluxe since i already have one for my 55g and love it. but the problem is most stores around here only sell the 50watt as the smallest size. would this be over kill for a 2.5g tank? If i can find the 25watt, is that one OK?

Does the incandelcent light give off a lot of hear? If i bought a long and thin flourcent light, would it fit in the hood?

Before i add the betta(s), i plan on doing a fishless cycle. Does the cycle take less on a smaller tank? or is it the same? And how long does it take to do it again? Its been a while since i set up a new tank.

Thats all for now, Thanks

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
I think i can get the Eclipse Explorer for the same price. Would this be a better choice or is it the same thing or worse? If i get the exlporer, it would only be for one betta since i dont wanna have to buy a divider.

Any difference between the Explorer and Explorer 2?

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Large Fish
Jun 30, 2004
Bangor MI
Visit site
I got a mini bow 2.5 that houses my betta and ild have to say that its pretty good for doin just that. I dont use a heater cuz the light gives off alot of heat and my room never gets very cold anyway. Anyway, i dunno about how you would go about dividing it, i would say it would look alot nicer to have a single betta in it. Also, i would suggest filling the gravel up very close to the intake part of the filter because i had a betta that got stuck onto the intake when he slept at night. You can buy flouresent bulbs at wal-mart that fit into it that make it look a whole lot nicer then incondecent so i would do that. ANYWAY, hope that helps you *thumbsups

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Small Fish
Oct 4, 2005
Vancouver, B.C.
I've got my betta in an Eclipse Explorer 2, and so far no problems. The little 7watt light keeps the temperature about 78degrees and the acrylic keeps the temp from dropping much at night. Don't like the colour of the light much tho, it's a tiny bit yellowish.

I love the filter tho... something about those eclipse bio-wheels makes me happy. Very quiet, not too much water disturbance. I've got a few bunch plants in there as well, but it's too soon to tell if they'll grow much with that tiny light.

The true luxury for a betta would have to be the Eclipse 3 tho... nice light, just enuf room for a few white cloud minnows or neon tetras to go in there with the betta, or perhaps a small aquatic frog? Just not a snail tho, my betta ate the eyestalks off my snails... the bastard...

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
no heater

a 2.5 gallon is to small for a heater, you might cook the fish. If your getting the mini bowl keep it in a very warm room and get only one betta. Eclipse systems are better, plus you get the biowheel. I don't care for dividers unless the divider is not see through as the fish would get very stressed when constantly seeing each other.

#7 can use a 25w heater in a small tank just fine...i do it all the time, and also use a 25w heater in a 1 gallon hospital tank when I need just have to be vigilant when you set it up to make sure that the temp is right.

fishlover25 - the 2.5g minibow is a great betta home...but i would NOT divide it. 2.5 gallons is really only enough for one betta. You'd be better off getting a 5g tank if you want to divide it. I have one mini-bow in use for a betta...he's pretty happy in there. One thing tho...I don't use the filter...I had too much problem with it harboring i took it out. Instead I do 50% waterchanges weekly with a 100% deep clean every couple months or so...this works way better than using the filter. The power filter that comes with the tank is alomst impossible to find in stores. its a Whisper far the only place i've EVER found it is at

May 9, 2005
West Haven, CT
I have the 5 g one. I agree, 5 is a good size for dividing, 2 is not.

Light: I used a compact mini flourescent. It got warm, but I don't think it raised the water up more than a degree if that. The bulb that comes with it is the incadescent, which wasn't that hot, and I changed because I wanted live plants.

Filter:The mini whisper is adjustable- 3 settings. Safe for the betta...unless it came with the larger whisper and I bought the mini one. THen it is too big IMO- too much current. You may need to consider getting plants and places that block the current so your fish can have a break when necessary. I had to have the filter on one side and the heater on the other.

Temp: If your ambient temp is about 78-82 degrees, you are perfect and need no heat. I would be weary about heating a 2.5 but I know ppl who do and use 25w. is recommended by all those I talk to, though I have never used them. Their prices are pretty cheap as well.

My bettas were CONSTANTLY flaring at each other in the divided tank- not that it is unhealthy to flare a lot, but I was concerned and read that it MIGHT not be good. I probably would not do a divided tank again. I felt bad for the fish who had the filter on his side. the other fish didn't get barely any flow at all. There was a little anxiety with if the fish could get through he divider if knocked during water changes, etc.

It is a great set up over all. maybe a little pricey, but certainly very convenient.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I got a Mini-Bow 2.5 gallon and I didn't care for it so I just upgraded to an Eclipse Hex 5 gallon, which I like much better. The mini-bow had a ugf so the gravel had to be about 4" high to keep live plants and I didn't like that at all. Also, the ugf was really loud. The Bio-wheel in the hex 5 is super quiet, I can't hear it at all. It also came with a 15 watt compact fluorescent light, which is perfect for live plants.

IMO, I would not keep two males in the same tank, divided or not. Some bettas are extremely aggressive and would spend all of their time flaring at one another, which can't be healthy. Some are really laid -back so it might work but I wouldn't risk it. One betta looks good and you can sometimes keep a couple of cory's, neons or white clouds in a 5 gallon with no problems. Mine is sharing his home with a bunch of snails :p

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Good for you MOsborne05 for going for an Eclipse 5! I'm sure your betta is much happier in there (-:

If a divider is put in a tank, be sure it is not clear so the fish do not get stressed out. In the wild one normally gives up and swims away, in an aquarium a fish can't do that.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Thanks sweetvegan, but unfortunately he died today. You can read the post in the disease forum, but after I put him into his new tank he got white moldy-looking stuff all over him. At first it was just a few spots but when hubby came home from work today he was covered and he died a few hours later. It happened so fast I didn't have much time to do anything to save him. I added Melafix and aquarium salt and increased the temp but it didn't help. It's making me really sad sitting here at the computer desk looking at an empty brand new Hex 5 :(

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Sorry to hear that Mosborne05! Was the system new? If it was, then I doubt it very much that giving him a new home caused that. He might of had that illness and it just showed up when he was in the 5 hex. I would clean it very well and get another Betta that needs freedom. As I always say when getting another animal, Getting a new pet fills the empty space, not to replace.


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Thanks. It was only empty for a few days before I 'rescued' another one from one of those tiny little cups. He's a beautiful crowntail, mostly blue with some red. His pic is my avatar. He's pretty little though, but I'm hoping this means that he's young and will live a long time ;) He's doing great and he's not aggressive at all. He's learned that when I drop in the snail wafers to come to the top because he gets fed next. I'm thinking about adding a few neons but haven't decided yet. Right now theres about 8 snails in with him and tons of eggs and I just saw my first baby snail today. There may be more but the light is off so I'll check tomorrow.

Jan 1, 2006
i bought the same thing ur interested in and don't get it. it is so small and the filter is so big.i suggest getting a hexagon 2.5 gallon because the filter system is smaller.for 2 bettas get a 5 gallon and put in lots of plants of hiding spaces because sometimes they can pick on each other because of the tight space.