I am looking for fish species that would be appropriate to house with a newt, and the american-flag fish has several advantages: it likes cooler water, eats some algea, is hardy, and is relatively small in size but probably too large to serve as a snack.
I have some questions regarding their care, however:
1. Do they like still waters? Do they mind a current?
2. Do they do well in shallow (7" or so) water?
3. Are they adorned with any spikes/rigid frills that would cause harm to a newt if somehow swallowed/eaten?
4. If you had to guess, would the american-flag fish nip at an 8" newt? The newt's toes are a particular concern.
5. I've read that they shoal, but I've also read that they do well in pairs. Is a mated pair the minimum recommended, or must they be placed in a larger school (6 minimum)?
6. Are they or aren't they a brackish water fish? I've read both.
I do not want to put any of the animals at risk, so feel free to just say "thats a bad idea" and leave it at that. My other (and probably less risky) option is to populate the tank with white cloud minnows and ghost shrimp. Thanks!
- mb
I have some questions regarding their care, however:
1. Do they like still waters? Do they mind a current?
2. Do they do well in shallow (7" or so) water?
3. Are they adorned with any spikes/rigid frills that would cause harm to a newt if somehow swallowed/eaten?
4. If you had to guess, would the american-flag fish nip at an 8" newt? The newt's toes are a particular concern.
5. I've read that they shoal, but I've also read that they do well in pairs. Is a mated pair the minimum recommended, or must they be placed in a larger school (6 minimum)?
6. Are they or aren't they a brackish water fish? I've read both.
I do not want to put any of the animals at risk, so feel free to just say "thats a bad idea" and leave it at that. My other (and probably less risky) option is to populate the tank with white cloud minnows and ghost shrimp. Thanks!
- mb