Questions of a fishless cycle

Jun 21, 2003
Oklahoma City, OK"
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At the beginning of a fishless cycle for my 29 gal. I was only adding pure ammonia to the tank without really adding any bacteria innoculator. After about a week, I decided to purchase Cycle to get the process moving along at better rate. I was told that it was a waste of money so I purchased Bio-Spira to get it going. Is it a bad thing that I have gone and mixed the different bacteria innoculators together and second, do I need to keep adding the ammonia so that the bacteria has something to eat on?


First, bio-spira works, good choice.

Measure your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels.

You should see your ammonia start to drop, your nitrites and nitrates rise.

Keep feeding small amounts of ammonia, just to keep it above 0.

Once the nitrites peak and start to fall and get close to zero, do a 40% water change and get some fish in there.