Questions on starting a 20g long reef

May 21, 2006
Hey everyone, I have 20g long that was used for a planted tank a while back and i want to use the same equipment for a saltwater reef. I was wondering if it was possible to not have to buy stronger equipment and still do what i want to do. I plan on getting some live rock, a clownfish and have an anemone or two and maybe a few easy to grow corals. The equipment i have now is the following-
20G long glass tank
~60-70w of T-8 tubes with good reflectors
Penguin 110
and a decent powerhead

Is this enough to do what i want to do? Thanks in advance.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well it could be made to work, but it will be quite a basic limited setup, especially w.r.t. keeping corals. Forget anemonaes - the desirable ones will be tricky to say the least with that kit.
In the main saltwater section is a sticky I made on doing a bargain 30 gallon. I have done a very cheap 20 long as well. I thnk you will end up buying at first another powerhead , and a used skimmer like a CPR balpak would be a smart way to spend 50 bucks. Eventually if you really want a reef you'll need to buff up the lighting. You can keep more than people think under T8's, especially if they're overdriven but you have to stay tight on top of water quality and clarity (run carbon 100% in the HOB), and changing the bulbs every 6 months soon gets old.

May 21, 2006
Ok thanks for the reply. If i don't get corals and just have FOWRL would i be able to keep the kind of lighting i have now or will i have to downgrade it to avoid the algae?


Small Fish
Apr 22, 2006
Some Zoanthids, Mushrooms, and Star Polyps will do fine with your current lighting 20 Long is pretty shallow so the light you have would be good enough. The anemones on the otherhand do require a better setup. As far as the algae goes you will get some regardless so don't let that make your decisions. Be diligant about not over feeding and good tank maintainance and the algae wont be too much of a problem either (assuming you would use DI water)

Good luck in your new addiction...joshua

P.S. with corals its best to buy Frags
from the LFS if you can, they're much cheaper
and can help you learn what works and
what doesnt without breaking the bank.

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May 21, 2006
ok thanks, on the lighting i have 2 overdriven tubes so would i do one at 6500k and one actinic tube? Also is the filtration enough? Should i be looking for more filtration or will the live rock be enough? thanks


Small Fish
Apr 22, 2006
That depends on how much Live rock you have. but imo more filtration doesnt hurt. Your penguin will provide water flow and surface turbulance for your micro bubbles. I know some people will tell you that a skimmer is a must (and they are great), but in nano's on a budget 101 you can do fine w/o just don't stock to heavy (fish or corals) keep an eye on your Nitrates (one thing I feel is a must is a good test kit $30 most but the better ones can go $100+) use activated carbon in your filter it will keep your water nice and clear and keep the toxins down (just change it every couple months) as far as your bio wheel goes that depends on how much rock you have, if you have enough rock you won't need the extra nitrafying bacteria media. The reason many people dont like filters is they trap detritus and uneaten food etc. and can become a nitrate factory but then again if your keeping an eye on your chemistry you'll be ok. so in summery what you have is good just get the test kit and get ready to start cycling your tank.