
Jul 31, 2003
Clemson, SC
I have a few betta questions in case i get one or two.
1. Do bettas need a filter?
2. Will a 5 gallon tank be fine for a few bettas? if so, how many?
3. How can u tell if a betta is male/female?
4. Are they easy to breed?
5. What do I feed bettas?
6. What kind of tank conditions needed for breeding?

Thanks! And sorry for all the questions!


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
good site for basic info about a species.

Betta splendens
Common Names: Siamese Fighting Fish
Origin: Thailand.
Main Ecosystem: Swamp
Temperament: Generally peaceful. DO NOT keep more than one male fighter in the same tank as they will spread their fins, flare their gills and kill each other. DO NOT keep male fighters with female fighters unless breeding is intended as the male will kill the female. Several females can be kept together. Male Fighters should not be kept with species that have large fins such as the Angelfish.
Diet: Carnivore
Care: Feed with flakes. Keep some floating plants in the tank, but do not cover the surface completely. Without access to the air at the surface of the water, the Siamese Fighting Fish will die. Siamese Fighting Fish need quite warm water.
pH: 6.0 - 8.0
Temperature: 24°C - 30°C
(75°F - 86°F)
Hardness: 5.0°dH - 20.0°dH
Potential Size: 6.5cm (2.6")
Water Region: Surface
Activity: Diurnal
Breeding: Not hard to breed if done properly. The Siamese Fighting Fish is a labryrinth fish and therefore builds a nest from bubbles on the surface of the water - make sure there is no current in the water from filters.
Keep the male and female in the same tank with no gravel and in shallow water (up to 15cm), and separate them by placing the female in a floating glass or something similar. Feed the male and female with live foods to condition them. After a few days the male will build a bubble nest. The female should be noticably larger. When the bubble nest is completed carefully release the female without disturbing the bubble nest and remove the glass. Keep a close eye on the pair. The male will chase and nip at the female untill it is too tired to fight back. It will then embrace her only letting go to pick up the falling eggs and place them in the nest. When the female can release no more eggs she must be removed or the male will kill her.
Gender: Males have vivid colours and (usually) much larger fins.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
FishMan you are right, dont get into them if you plan on breeding them. A spawn can make 300 fry babies, after a few weeks the males will need to be jarred and cleaned seperately. Imagine cleaning 50 to 150 jars once a week!!!!

Bettas don't need filtration if you plan on doing water changes every 2 days. A basic 1gal tank with under gravel filter will let you do 1/2 water changes 1 time a week for a single male betta.

These are great fish, but I would start off learning how to keep 1 before you look into breeding them.