Quick cycle question....


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ok my tanks been running 5 days ,
chemistry is
ph 7.6
gh 12
kh 12
ammonia 0ppm
nitrites 0ppm

Since day 1 Ive had a fish in the tank, surely it couldnt have cycled already? But as you can see no ammonia, no nitrites? What gives? Do I need more Ammonia i.e.more fish in the water?


Large Fish
Apr 21, 2003
Delaware County, PA
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A little more ammonia would definitely help kick start the cycle. More fish or pure ammonia would do the trick. But you already have fish in there, so I'm not sure how pure ammonia would affect the fish....

I had the same thing happen when I set up my 20g. Initially, I had 0 ammonia and nitrites. Eventually, I got a bit of an ammonia spike. Now, ammonia is back to 0 and nitrites are through the roof. It's been like this for the past few weeks. My 6g Eclipse is the same way.
The nitrites seem like they do not want to come down. What's going on here? Could someone please help us out? Or is this going to be a patience thing?

In my opinion, it's a patience thing. My ammonia seemed like it would never start dropping. I was doing 30% water changes every other day to keep my fish alive because ammonia and nitrites were both high for a couple of weeks. If I had it to do over again, I would have cycled it without fish. My best advice is to keep doing water changes so your fish don't suffer, and just hang in there. Yesterday (5 wks after setting up the tank) for the first time ammonia and nitrite were both 0ppm

As far as the 240 gal tank, I don't know how big your fish is, but I would guess that your ammonia just isn't showing up yet. I wouldn't add ammonia, maybe add another fish or 2 and keep checking....


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ive just been speaking to a guy who says just add stock slowly to my tank and it would be ok, id need huge quantities of ammonia to reach a harmful ppm level (same with nitrites).

Sounds good to me :)

Oct 22, 2002
When cycling with fish, it takes time for ammonia to rise. Feces/left over food need time to decay. It such a large tank 1 fish will take a long time for ammonia to rise. The best is stocking it with lots of hardy fish thus increasing the ammonia/nitrites. Next, as mentioned is patience and water changes to keep your fish alive. Soon you will become impatient because the nitrites will not come down. A little tip! The nitrite stage is around 3x longer than the ammonia stage!

Or get some bio-spira!