I have a hob filter for my 10G and lately it's been sucking up small pebbles that my Bumblebee kicks up and it gets jammed. Could I buy a piece of filter foam and put it over the intake to prevent this? Or would that interfere with the filtration?
it would not interfere. you can buy that foam, and cut it to fit over the entire intake so no smaller fish get trapped either . kill two birds with one stone as the say
it would not interfere. you can buy that foam, and cut it to fit over the entire intake so no smaller fish get trapped either . kill two birds with one stone as the say
yea that works too remember to rinse it off each week though because it really collects a lot of debris. only rinse with old tank water, never with tap water...
just asking because I have a well, and the water that comes from it is very very clean, the only thing is it's fairly soft so I have to adjust ph very often.
just asking because I have a well, and the water that comes from it is very very clean, the only thing is it's fairly soft so I have to adjust ph very often.
My house has well water as well. We have a softener and I have trouble with pH too. But the city where my university is has chlorinated and fluoridated water so I know I can't use it at all.
You can put that stuff in it to take out the chlorine, but idk how you'd take out the flouride. does it dissapate like chlorine does?? because I know that if you let chlorinated water sit out uncovered it will be fine in a day.
generally I think water conditioners should* make the water safe for fish and take care of flouride as well....
but yea you don't want any chlorine/chloramine/flouride reaching your tank water because then it gets into your filter and kills the bacteria, and you have to cycle the tank all over again...say hello to ammonia and nitrite spikes