quick question

Sep 4, 2005
today i combined my 2 tanks and put my betta in the community tank, right now everythings goin good and peaceful, but the betta seems to strugle swiming right by the filter. When i first put him in a 10 gallon he struggles moving anywhere, so does he just need to adjust, or is the filter gonna stress him 2 much. Its a power filter from petsmart.


Medium Fish
Jun 5, 2005
Tucson, AZ
Bettas don't like a lot of current. Is there a place for him to go that he will be out of the current? I've had bettas before that I'll catch stuck to the filter, as if they are getting sucked up it. But if you prompt them they move away. Bettas are just really lazy and need someplace they can rest. Or some plants to rest upon, something. They're just such a slow moving fish they can't take it. He may adjust, but I can't say since I don't know how strong the current is.

Sep 4, 2005
hes not gettin sucked into the filter, its not that strong. My african dwarf frog can live happily in the tank, and they arent meant to have much filtration either. There is a large (as tall and as wide as the tank) live plant in the very center, so he spends his time on the other side flaring his gills at his reflections, he seems to be adjusting already, and can easily swim, only havin trouble if hes swimin towards and very close to wear the filtered water pours into the tank