Quiet air pump


Large Fish
Mar 19, 2005
I needed to put an airstone in my Co2 laced tank last night. The rasboras were gulping air.

I'd like to have the airstone on a timer to turn on at night but, the pump is soooooo freakin loud!

IYO, what is the quietest pump? Noise matters in the living room.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
In general...there is no quiet air pump. Best thing I have heard to make it more quiet is to suspend it somehow so that its not vibrating against whatever surfaces it is around. Best thing I've actually TRIED is to put the pump on a soft surface (like a washcloth) to kind of muffle the vibrations.

Putting an airstone in a tank that you inject C02 into kind of defeats the purpose...and I dont know a whole lot about it...but it makes sense to me if you could turn down the c02 it'd probably have the same effect as an airstone.


Large Fish
Mar 19, 2005
Froggyfox... I am using diy yeast/sugar Co2. With this system, the overall daily amount can be loosly controled by # of bottles and mixure ratios but thats about it. It runs 24/7. Clumsy but cheap:) The stone is only for the dark. No photosynthisis.

Mabey I'll try a powerhead.

Mar 6, 2006
Ontario, Canada
the quietiest pump out there well there is actually 2 i have 5 pumps running and i do not even hear them 4 are made by tetra and one is made by rena they are both great pumps and super super quiet. I got them form Als not sure where you are located but im in canada. You can also get them from pet smart. They are about the same price as your standard noisy elite pumps but way better. Also they are more powerful than you think i can have 2 3 inch airstones running off one pump and the pump was 15 to 17 dollars.


Superstar Fish
Feb 16, 2006
I find the whisper pumps to be the most quiet air pumps I have owned. Ther blue dog looking ones LOL, I have 2 and my mom has 1 and I have about 5 other pumps, but there all sitting on shelfs not in use because the whispers are much more quiet. Maybe give them a try?


Large Fish
Sep 26, 2005
I own a Tetratec Deep Water 96 that is realtively quiet. All you can hear is a slight hum from it. Now, I know that I have my Deep Water on a pillow, but that is because when I bought it I bought it used off of ebay and the guy who had it before me had broken it and fixed it in such a way that it made a lot of racket. That's probably why he sold it. Anyway, I had to turn every which way (on its sides, up-side down, you name it) to quiet it. Then I talked to my dad and he fixed what the previous owner did wrong and now it's very quiet. I also have a Rena 100 air pump that is quiet too. Both these pumps are hardly notoicable for me when it comes to noise, but the Deep Water is the most powerful of course and I'm sure if you get a good one that hasn't been tampered with like mine had yours would be quiet too. My dad's is and he got it used as well, but it hadn't had any problems like mine did.

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