Quiet Air Pumps...

Since I"ll be shopping for a new check valve, I figure on getting a new air pump since the current Optima that I have is very loud at full power. I used to have a Dynamaster piston pump which didn't have that nerve racking HUMMM. I really liked it but as it got older it needed to be over-hauled frequently. Your suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
TetraTec pumps have a subliminal hum. I have a TetraTec 330 on my goldfish tank. I don't hear it because I am accustomed to the noise, but when I turn it off, the sudden silence is defening!

The pump also vibrates. If something rests against it, or the airline hose leans on something, I get a rattling noise. This is easily fixed by moving the pump or object that is against it.

I've no problems with my TetraTec. I probably should turn it off now and again to let the motor cool down, but it has been continuously on for a year now without difficulty.

I was thinking about trying a TetraTec Deep Water pump or a Rena 300 since my tank is 24" deep and I am currently using a bubble wand. I noticed today that if I submerge the bubbler to only a 6" depth its much more quiet. Backpressure is a bummer! I'll have to put a UPS on my wish list, excellent idea bathtub.

Dec 29, 2002
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since topic kind of went to UPS....they aren't cheap....least wise if you want enough power to last for than 12-20 minutes worth....if you want hours of power, going to cost you. Just be prepaired for that. Anyways, I'm using an AirTech 2K3....without background noise its the first thing you hear...it also vibrates a lot if anything rests on/against it....I've not tried resting the pump on a cloth or something, will try that....and far as back pressure, haven't checked that point....my tank is 19 or 20 inches deep, and all I know is you have to kink the air line real hard to cut the air flow....thinking the pump is a touch bugger....ohhh, and forgot its cheap :D