R.I.P. all of ScubaSteve's Fish

May 11, 2003
Well today is my last day with my fish.......

I got a one year contract with a company in Toronto and since my new bachelor pad hardly has enough room for my clothes, I will be leaving my fish behind...

My little brother will be taking over my 55gal....

My future goal for 2005/2006 is to get a 100gal tank when I get my new condo in Toronto. So now I have a year to decide whether or not I want angels or gouramis.......

:( :( :(


Superstar Fish
Ohhhhhh:( I'm sorry. That can't be fun. Is your brother familiar enough to make sure they stay happy? Or is there more reason to the RIP part?

A 10g tank can fit in places where you'd be surprised you know! Like kitchen counters, tops of bedroom dressers...not that I'd know from personal experiece...;):D

Does this mean you're going to be leaving us for a year?:( I hope you'll still stick around!

May 11, 2003
Thanks guys....

The fish should be fine (except maybe the poor Rams... LOL). I think my brother can handle it.

I'm gonna take a break from the hobby for a year, until I get my new condo, then I'll get a massive tank....

Right now I just have my betta.

I don't think I'll be on the board as much as I used too since I am using Internet Cafes now...

Anyways, cheers from Toronto !!!
